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Friday, November 4, 2011

Change you can believe in

If a picture is worth a thousand words, this picture will not need much introduction.  This is an aerial shot of one section of Fourchon, Louisiana, drilling central for the Gulf of Mexico, taken on the 27th of October, 2011, over a year after the gulf was long since cleaned up.  

Boats.  Parked.  Everywhere.  In better days, these boats would be out supporting drilling operations and only in port to load and unload.  Unfortunately, this has been the scene since shortly after the Deepwater Horizon disaster.  Followed by an initial uptick in business for Deepwater Horizon response, and followed by a very long and ongoing period of governmental interference with drilling operations in the gulf.  

This is the "boot on the neck", the "boot on the throat", and the tough talking administration judging "whose ass to kick".  Unfortunately, the rest of the industry, and particularly the third party providers like these boat companies are still feeling the pain, and do not factor into the new jobs bill or the 99%.  

By the way, BP just got a new permit to drill in the gulf.  Better luck next time, guys.