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Monday, December 24, 2012

Some Help for Brother Joe...

When you are serious about solving a problem, you give it to the man who can make it happen... Vice President Joe Biden.  

With that in mind, President Obama has volunteered VP Biden to head up a task force to ram through anti-gun legislation... I mean "provide immediate recommendations about how to reduce gun violence".  

Being that Vice President Biden is a busy and thoughtful guy, I would like to forward some recommendations as a place to start.  

1. Hope nobody remembers that "Fast and Furious" thing.  

2. Ensure that any proposed legislation fails to differentiate between legal gun owners and mass murders.  Demand further gun control while mentioning some blah blah about the complexity of the issue, mental health, etc.    

3. Do your best to ignore that the rumor of further gun restrictions has caused the biggest run on "assault weapons", high capacity magazines, and ammunition in recent memory.  

4. Develop a sub-task force to invent more scary terms like "high-powered assault weapon" and allow career anti-gunners in congress to define same.  

5. Seek to introduce "sensible legislation" that places limitations on any other constitutional amendments as may apply. Freedom of speech?  Unreasonable search and seizure?  Self incrimination?  Poll taxes?  Put them all on the table. It's for the children after all.  

6. Above all, pass some legislation to exploit the Sandy Hook mass murders while the polls favor what you have wanted to do all the time anyway.  

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