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Friday, June 15, 2012

By the Numbers

From the May 2012 Rotor and Wing, h/t Andrew Drwiega...

Some numbers mentioned during Sen Jeff Sessions' speech before the Army Aviation Association of America.  

Over the last three years...

- Defense spending has increased 10%.
- Medicare spending has increased 37%.
- Department of Education spending has increased 70%.

Food stamp spending has increased 300% since 2001.  

The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have cost $1.3 trillion over the last ten years.  

The US budget deficit for LAST year was $1.3 trillion.  

In 1962, defense was 48% of the budget, while entitlement spending was 26%.  In 2013, defense will be 19% of the budget and entitlement spending will be 60%.  

The Department of Defense (DoD) budget is $688.3 billion out of a total Defense budget of $903.3 billion ($130 billion for vets, $43.8 billion for foreign economic aid, and $12.5 billion for foreign military aid).  

With continuing budget deficits each year exceeding $1 trillion, completely eliminating the DoD outright would not balance the budget.  

Guns or butter, take your pick.  

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